200 Interior design prompts for Midjourney
Get 200 high-quality realistic interior design prompts for Midjourney. A wide variety of prompts to obtain images without having to waste time searching for the result you want with a thousand tests.
When you purchase the product, you will receive a link to a website with all the available images. By clicking on the image you want, it will copy the prompt to your clipboard so you can paste it directly into Midjourney. On the left side of the website, you can select the Aspect Ratio of the image so it will be automatically added to the prompt.
Access to the website can be done from a computer or mobile device without any problems.
You can view all the images generated by the prompts before purchasing the product by accessing the Mrkase.es website and selecting the prompts pack by clicking on the button at the top right.. You will access a website similar to the full version but without access to the prompt for each image.